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This is "other stuff" a category for the miscellaneous!

here you can find PDF's, links to real archives, objects to trade currency for, Movie Trailers and websites.

Music that makes me fall deeper in love with my transness

These are links to PDFs that don't quite fit elsewhere on this site

"a Random Sampling Of Butches" by Lily Burana (Found in Dagger: on butch women)

"Towards an Insurrectionary Transfeminism" by Anonymous

From "There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions" by Audre Lorde

Leslie Feinberg's FBI file

"Shotgun stratagies" by Dorothy allison (found in Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & literature)

Here are Artist/Writer's Websites Or socials. Go check them out to see more of their amazing work that I couldn't get PDFs of!

Eli Clare's website, (Author of Exile & Pride, Go buy any of his books from an independent bookstore)

Alison Bechdel's Website (Amazing Comic artist Behind Dykes to Watch Out For. I reference her work a lot in my art, both intentionally and unintentionally)

Dorothy Allison's Website (Author of Skin: talking about sex, class, & literature, which is what i'm reading currently. I read selected essays from Skin when I was 15, A newly out lesbian, recent high school dropout, and at the beginning of recognizing and processing the abuse i was experiencing)

Leslie Feinberg's Website and Hir flikr page(It is so cool to see hir photography. Zie was an amazing writer, organizer and storyteller who has impacted the lives of so many lesbians and trans folks in really beautiful ways, myself included)

Stuff you can trade currency for (liberation is a few smart consumer choices away /s But seriously, give your money to lesbians, Queers and Transes this month [it's june rn] and also other months [Did you know gay ppl are required by L*ndL*rds to pay rent all 12 months of the year???] )

Brown Recluse Zine Distro- Queer and trans zines (and more!) By Zine makers of color! Sliding scale pricing that allows readers of color to access zines affordably, while also making sure zinesters of color get enough $ for their work.

At-cost print edition of Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg I don't think i need to say anything about this one

Genderfail Press: Prints! Zines! Independently Published Books!

Black Fern Designs (Stickers, Buttons, and Clothing)

Real Archives, You know by people who know what they're doing, don't commit intellectual property crime, and didn't just accidentally Stay up 24 hours straight because they wanted desperately to show their collection of screenshots, scans, and pirated PDFs to their friends (hi Jamie, And whoever else I give this link to,,, please don't report me to the FBI k???? thanx)

Queer Zine Archive Project Ok so this is my favorite archive. I don't just say that because I want the founders of QZAP to adopt me or because I interned with them for a (really great) semester... They also preserve Queer zine history in a really beautiful, thoughtful, respectful way. Btw,, Please DO NOT SHOW my "archive" to them, they would be horrified (and I embarrassed) by pretty much everything. Anyway you should go browse zines, and send them your zines, and also give them money.

Digital Transgender Archive is a HUGE database of historical trans artifacts, documents, books, periodicals, and probably some other stuff I don't even know about! The database is also really great at connecting you to other archives (Not to plug QZAP again, but I keep stumbling upon links to Zines on the QZAP site IN THE DIGITAL TRANSGENDER ARCHIVE!!!)

NYC Trans Oral History Project Homes and organizes an incredible collection of interviews of Transgender folks who have lived in New York City at some point. The archive has so many interviews (including Miss Major, and Bernie Wagenblast. Those are just the ones I'm excited to listen to after a quick scroll) , with audio files and transcribed text options, BTW.

Movie Trailers

The Watermelon Woman


The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love

But I'm A Cheerleader


links to books and more on the internet archive (Long live the Internet archive)

S/he by Minnie Bruce Pratt

Unnatural Dykes to watch out for By Alison Bechdel

Zami, Undersong AND sister outsider by the incredible Audre Lorde

In The Life: what is transgender (Kate Bornstein, Leslie Feinberg, Riki Anne Wilchins, and Martine Rothblatt) this is a 7 minute ish Video... just FYI

MACHO SLUTS by Patrick Califia-Rice (this is EROTICA)

Set In Stone: butch-on butch Erotica (ALSO EROTICA LOL)

Coming To power: Writings and graphics on Lesbian S/M (by SAMOIS)

This hopefully works. It's quite a few issues of ONYX: Black Lesbian Newsletter

The Price of Salt

Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers by Lillian Faderman

Skin: talking about sex, class, and literature by Dorothy Allison

Eye To Eye: Portraits of Lesbians by JEB